Putting Essentialism into Practice
I’ve often say I’m a Jane of All Trades. Give me a house project and I’ll DIY it. A craft and I’ll create it. A stretch of dirt and I’ll plant it. A data set and I’ll chart it. A challenge and I’ll strategize, plan, and master it.
But lately this interest in doing everything is leaving me feeling s t r e t c h e d t h i n and sCaTteReD. As I look back on months of researching, interviewing, synthesizing, and planning a coworking space, what I see feels like one big scribble in my head.
Then I read Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown.
Except it was less like reading and more like a parched camel slurping at the oasis after months trekking through the desert.
McKeown aptly names something many of us suffer from day in and day out – our attention and energy is pulled every which way, and it is exhausting us. Thankfully, he also maps out a path for disciplined decision making so that we can focus on what matters most.
Two weeks later. My head is wrapped around what McKeown recommends. My daily habits? Not so much. (I’m a quick learner but a slow adopter.)
And so I’m facilitating a free book study where we’ll not only read but also react and proactively practice the strategies outlined in Essentialism. I need a tribe to keep me accountable and propel me forward. How about you?
Six weekly morning sessions, starting Thursday, July 23, at 8:30am. Via Zoom. (No judgment about whether you’ve showered or changed out of pjs. For the record, I won’t have showered or applied makeup.) I hope you’ll join us!
To insure a quality discussion this book study is limited to 10 participants, so save your spot now by commenting below.